How To Resolve a Contract Dispute in California
On behalf of The Law Office of Lynnette Ariathurai, A Professional Corporation posted in Contract Disputes on Thursday, April 28, 2016.
California is a beautiful state, teeming with businesses of all sorts, from major commercial corporations to small entrepreneurial endeavors. Though business models and effectual productions in each company vary, every business is at risk if a contract dispute arises. It is typically in a company’s best interests to solve each dispute in as swift, fair and economically feasible a fashion as possible.
The Law Office of Lynnette Ariathurai, A Professional Corporation, has successfully represented business and commercial clients throughout the state. Our experienced attorneys understand that a valid signed contract is legally binding. Each agreement carries certain responsibilities and obligations to which all signed parties must adhere.
If you are considering entering into a signed agreement, or you have already signed a contract and are facing legal problems because it has been breached, we can help you determine how to proceed to legally address the issue. Whether your situation involves a service agreement, management or wage issue, or an independently contracted assignment, we can review the contract and clarify the legal terms to help you make informed decisions about obtaining an agreeable solution to the problem. We are also prepared to help business clients draft new plans or contracts to help them avoid possible complications during the process.
A contract dispute can greatly impede the productivity and profitability of your California business. The Law Office of Lynnette Ariathurai, A Professional Corporation, is committed to offering sound legal counsel and effective guidance for all of your contract needs. One of our main goals is to help you accomplish your business objectives at minimal cost.