Startups See Opportunity Across California
On behalf of The Law Office of Lynnette Ariathurai, A Professional Corporation posted in Business Formation & Planning on Thursday, July 26, 2012.
Until recently, the startup word was dominated by those who resided in the San Francisco area. With companies such as Google and Facebook originating in the Northern California Bay area, it was no mystery why many entrepreneurs looked to that area as the place to commence their business planning for their own startup company. However, recently many entrepreneurs have begun to spring their business ideas in a totally different venue — the sunny beaches of the greater Los Angeles area.
The appeal of the Southern California area is simple for many startups. The location offers cheaper rent, better weather and miles of sunny beaches that draw in a diverse range of individuals. As a result of this appeal, a majority of the startups in the area are within two blocks of the beach, creating a vast network of individuals looking to become the next startup success story.
The growing popularity has caught the eyes of many Northern California-based companies including search engine giant Google. Recently Google purchased a popular Venice building in an effort to capture the momentum of the growing Southern California technology market. Google has stated that their movement into the area is to turn the nation’s second largest city into “a veritable tech center.”
There are an abundance of dreams that are being constructed in the minds of many tech-oriented entrepreneurs in California. It is becoming more evident than ever before that both the business planning and execution of that plan can occur in the booming Southern California area. With the appeal of Los Angeles and the growing number of like-minded people striving for success within that geographical locale, the dream can finally be a reality for more than just a select few.
Source: Delaware Online, “Life’s a beach for tech hotbed,” Jefferson Graham, July 22, 2012